December 7, 2020

Perfect Tile System 4.26 Updates! - Anisotropy, DTAAPOM, Iridescence, and more!

Since the Perfect Tile System launched 5 years ago, many improvements have been made. And 4.26 brings some pretty fascinating additions and changes!


My blog post regarding how to implement DTAA to improve POM rendering blew up. It is now integrated with the Perfect Tile System! All Parallax Occlusion Materials now have DTAA added to improve quality and performance, and the sample counts have been re-adjusted. The DTAA material function has also been included in the material functions category. Check it out!

Please note Temporal Anti-Aliasing is required for this feature to function. Instead of sharp artifacts, DTAA simply appears blurry when the sample count is too low.


Now that 4.26 made proper anisotropy part of the engine, all anisotropic materials now support the engine's anisotropy by default! Dithered Temporal Anisotropy introduced more artifacts the further the effect was pushed, and took very long to resolve - these issues do not occur in the engine's anisotropic solution.

Please note anisotropy is not supported on any subsurface materials.

Iridescence improvements

When iridescence made a splash, the initial integration was simple, but effective. Now, controls have been added to apply random variance per-tile. And the iridescent colors are now multiplied instead of lerped, so the blending is more appropriate.

Potential future improvements include more accurate lighting with anisotropy (requires an accurate anisotropic specular model), and support for anisotropic maps.

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