May 4, 2015

The Perfect Tile System - Up on Trello!

It was a long and bumpy road, but the system is finally up on Trello for votes! 2 days in and it already received 10 votes, ranking 3rd. for all systems in the category. Please go there and vote now if you want to see this on the Marketplace!

There are of course a ton of features I would still like to update the system with, but it takes time to experiment and implement across the board:

  • Switch between linear and sRGB assets (the dual color algorithm makes this very difficult)
  • Colored Tile Maps (easy to implement for linear color, difficult for sRGB)
  • Special tiling for bricks and panel flooring to convert pixel TMs into more complex TMs, uses instructions but saves texture space and time in bitmap editor (parallax makes this difficult)
  • Inclusion of Roughness maps for surface detail (requires full-scale integration with the tile distortion and parallax features)
  • Tile randomizer (must also be compatible with texture tile distortion)
  • Detail texturing (requires another pipeline to be added. Not too difficult, just time consuming)
And there are some further optimizations I'd like to include as well:
  • Optimum Map that combines TM, metal map, glass map, and scattering maps in one texture, parameter masked with RGBA values to eliminate the need for extra draw calls with heavy TM materials.
  • Simple gamma corrector to save instructions on colors (but will result in less accurate colors)
  • Ability to feed textures without needing to gamma correct.